Adding ADA to Metamask can open the door to decentralized applications and opportunities for users interested in blockchain and cryptocurrency technology. With its user-friendly interface, Metamask makes it easy for anyone — whether they’re just starting or experienced crypto veterans — to store, send, and receive their digital assets securely. In this guide, we’ll discuss how you can use your Metamask wallet with Cardano’s native token (ADA) to take advantage of everything decentralized finance offers!
Adding Ada to Metamask: How to Do?
Adding ADA to Metamask wallet is pretty easy. However, please note that Metamask is primarily designed to work with Ethereum and Ethereum-based tokens. You must use a bridge to connect your Metamask wallet to the Cardano network.
Here are the steps you need to follow:
- Install the Yoroi wallet browser extension from the Chrome Web Store or Firefox Add-ons marketplace.
- Once you have installed Yoroi, click on its icon in your browser’s toolbar and select “Create New Wallet.”
- Follow the instructions to set up your Yoroi wallet, including creating a password and saving your seed phrase.
- Once your Yoroi wallet is set up, go to the “Receive” tab and copy your Cardano address.
- Open Metamask, click on the three dots in the top right corner, and select “Add Token.”
- In the “Token Contract Address” field, enter the Cardano bridge contract address: 0x6A8c1FfC1A56D279Ed3D6e0C7fEC86C64e3296C1
- Metamask will automatically fill in the other fields. Enter “ADA” as the token symbol and 18 as the decimal place.
- Click on “Add Token” to finish adding ADA to Metamask wallet.
Now you should be able to see your ADA balance in Metamask. However, you will still need to use Yoroi to manage your Cardano transactions, as Metamask does not natively support the Cardano network.
To Conclusion
Setting up Metamask is a great way to securely store your Ada assets and interact with the Cardano blockchain. With this guide, adding ADA to Metamask wallet is pretty easy. You can feel confident that your Ada is secure with Metamask while at the same time enjoying the flexibility and convenience that it offers in interacting with the Cardano network. Through its advanced features, such as built-in ADA support, fast transactions, and network visibility, Metamask helps keep your assets safe while bringing ease and efficiency to your financial transactions. Whether you’re just starting or an experienced blockchain user, adding Ada to Metamask wallet will benefit you in some way.